My Cheats

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Theese are my cheats:

Flashing Words:

In any place say: “I SAW A MONSTER EAT TACOS” and run around that place it will be flashing words, or you can say “I SAW A MONSTER EAT BILLYBOB” or “green commander of my cheese” theres a lot but i found this!

Walk on HQ desk:

First go to the hollow of the right of the desk, then when you’re there click on the door and you will be walking on the desk!

Speed Glitch Cart Surfer:

First change your penguin’s color to green and go to cart surfer then you will be doing tricks quickly, if you turn your color black and go play Cart Surfer it will be slowly.

Change Igloo Furniture of  The Other Penguins:

First go to your igloo put in Edit, then go to the HQ and the go to a member igloo and if you click in his/her storage you will change it.

Talk, Dance… with the Newspaper:

It’s easy just go to a member igloo and put the newspaper, you can talk saying “N” (No) and dance just do the quick keys and you will doing that with the newspaper!

Walk Fast in CP:

It’s simple just click where you want to go and press ET, it will be a fart and you will run!

Talk in Non-Talking servers:

First go to a Non-Talking server and click in the ? icon then uncheck the Safe Chat, then go to another place and you can talk.

Astro Barrier Secret Levels:

In the level ten, wait like 20 seconds and it will appear a space ship shoot it and you will go to the secret levels!

Astro Barrier Glitch:

In the Start screen press:

1 for the 10 level

2 for the 20 level

3 for the 30 level

Sitting Secrets:

First change your direccion to left,right,up and down and then press “S”

How to be a moderator:

Its simple, click on the “M” icon  when you end you should log off and log in, you should have a spy phone on your inventory!

Double Fish In A “Aquarium”:

Just Buy Two aquariums and put them on the same place, then should see double fish!

Give Your Hands Up:

First Dont wear clothes then open your player card and select painted face or tour guide hat but dont close your player card, so then put wave and your hands should be up!

The Silver Surfboard:

First click on the penguin that has a flame surfboard, then click on the daisy surfboard flowers, then click on the clam and finally click on the sea star, it should appear the penguin holding the silver surfboard!

Throwing Nothing in The Sports Shop:

If you throw a snowball in the Sports Shop you will notice that you are throqwing nothing! Also the snowball will disappear (This should be temporally like the nothing emote)

If You Dont Know:

If you dont know why you sometimes search your friends and it says “Your Friend Is Hidding” (Well it would say your friend’s name but its an example) Hiddindg mean  that he/she is in the HQ (Headquarters) (Agent Secret Place)

A Healthy Puffle:

To have a healthy puffle and quickly with just paying 15 coins! You just need to give to the puffle first water and then the puffle os’!

More Poems, Riddles And Jokes:

Sometimes in the newspaper you look the jokes,riddles and poems you will like to see more! so click on the word Jokes or in Riddles or in Poems if it appear yellow click on it so it will appear more Jokes, Riddles or Poems!

Have a Lot Of Buddies:

A lot of people had asked me how to get more than 100 buddies, I answered “I Dont Know, I will find a way to get more” and one day I see that I have 100 buddies and one buddy asked me if he want to be my buddy and I acepted and he were my buddy, so the only thing you need to do is to have 100 buddies and then all the others have to ask you for get more….

How to walk in the walls of the places:

(I dont know if this works on IExplorer 6.0, I have 7.0)All you need to do is to click on the bar that is on the down/right corner that says “100%” or something click there, then it should appear other numbers, click on personalize and it should appear “100″ or the zoom you have in Internet, then where it says the number write “700″ then it should draw near, then move to the right until you see a white large bar in Club Penguin Part (You Should be playing Club Penguin) then move your penguin to the white part and when you are there, there should appear your name and your penguin image no, then again change to zoom to 100% and you should be in the walls or in the right corner…

Puffle Without Name:

This one is so easy, first you must buy a puffle then when you are writing her/his name you should put ramdom spaces like (puffle name, please write it “      “) And when you click on the puffle you should see a puffle without name!